Five weeks ago, I started taking online courses for my master's degree.
Three weeks ago, after many weeks of Heather being sick with a cough etc, and the baby starting to come down with some junkiness, I started falling behind in my classes.
My professors were awesome! Very helpful in extending due dates and just generally being lovely and understanding.
Heather got better, but Zane got worse and I never quite managed to get around to catching up.
This week, I got sick, and I fell farther and farther behind.
I got to the point where I felt so incredibly overwhelmed by everything that I wasn't accomplishing ANYTHING in my classes or around my home.
Yesterday, I finally admitted defeat and today I dropped out of school.
There may be some financial repercussions which will definitely be a horrible set back since financially we are not even close to treading water right now. I am choosing to bask in the idea my time will be spent with my kids and all of their needs (appointments etc etc) rather than trying to do homework while they beg me to play.
There may come a day when school is in my future, the day is not today! And it feels pretty good to come to that realization and take action on it.
An email from my professor Dr Donald Ellsworth.
have no argument with your decision to drop the class, though it is
disappointing since the work you turned in was very good without
exception. God must be first in life, but your family (which God gave
you) comes at a close second. Some of your symptoms
might well be the result of the extra pressures you've been under, this
class contributing, and your health is important. I'm sure you have
prayed about this decision, as you stated, and I understand and support
you, as I've stated. I hope you get back to normal
very soon and can enjoy life as God intended it for you. And, I do hope
you'll consider returning to your studies when you feel ready. There is
SO MUCH to learn!
Makes me feel good, and sad all at the same time. I really appreciated his willingness to work with me!! :)