Am I breathing? Yep. Check
Did I wake up? Yep. Check.
Does God still love me?? Yep. Check.
Is there good mixed with the bad? Absolutely! Check.
Am I still having a miserable day? YEP. Check.
Bear with me here.
I know my misery is nothing compared to some people and a ton compared to others. I am choosing to embrace my frustration and anger right now based on my OWN circumstances.
I started my day several times after midnight waking up and falling back to sleep eventually. I wasn't too worked up about sleeplessness, today I got to sleep in because it's "my husband's morning" to get the three older kids on the bus.
Then, All the sudden, kids are coming into my room for what reason I have no idea. Well, turns out one of them SATURATED her bed with urine. :( Poor kid, she's having issues will have to get her to the dr for a UTI check. (check)
I was going to curl back up then the 4 year old comes in, Mom?, I Just want to sleep with you! Buddy, come give me a kiss, you need to finish getting ready and go to school.
I was going to curl back up and then the baby comes in, he woke up so his sister brought him downstairs.
Ok, Ok, I'm up for the day. Definitely a not so great night's sleep.
Baby is whiny. Ugh.
I made breakfast for the three of us, while the baby whined.
My hubby had to leave for a drs appt as soon as he finished breakfast and so I was trying to eat MY breakfast with the baby bugging me.
At one point, he had his hand in my apple cider. At another point, I decided to relocate to have more peace and stuck a toaster strudel AGAINST MY SHIRT. Yea. Not pretty.
Then, The phone calls started. Two or three from the drs office. I then called the pediatrician and was super proud of myself for remembering to discuss two of the kids. Hung up, was then reminded I was supposed to ask for a medication refill for yet another child. ARGH!
Throughout all of this, I have a few very bad memories floating through my head, some new, some old. My Dad has been on my mind lately. It's just hard to remember over and over that he is not with us any longer and has never been able to meet my children. He was a pretty awesome Grandpa.
I've had some other junk just floating around, tough decisions, rough emotional stuff and that never lets up.
Baby still whiney. Finally, around 10 am, I put him down for a nap yay.
I was listening to a song (Oceans by Hillsong United, I highly recommend you check it out on Youtube if you don't recognize it) repeatedly to get some of the lyrics in my head. It's a very powerful song, slightly melancholy sounding, but very emotionally charged with positive things. Perfect for me right now.
I got a few more phone calls. (argh! either feast or famine with the stupid phone)
Don called and asked me to text him some info for prescriptions. Ok.
I went to make my bed, The cat had VOMITED ON MY BED, right near my pillows. SERIOUSLY...........
By this time my precious 4 year old was home from school and just KEPT TALKING AND TALKING AND TALKING. Yep, he hasn't even been talking a full year yet and I am OVER the incessant talking when I am trying to do other things.
Oh, Then, I was working on another project only to discover the window in my living room was cracked open. I "JUST" fixed and locked that a few days ago.
I needed to go grocery shopping several days ago, but my budget is very tight at the moment AND ... I have been both too busy and too depressed to "force" myself to go. I've been using the excuse of Don needing to do homework to not leave the house.
Blah,. I'm tired.
My story for this morning is now over, the baby is awake and I need to consider lunch.
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